Your Trial Message

Voir Dire

Appeal to Your Juror’s “Temporary Identity”

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: It is Halloween time again, and everyone who is a kid or young enough to party like a kid, is preparing their temporary identity for the night: a pirate, a witch, a vampire. This year, apparently, the trending looks are less traditional, including “Angry Birds” and costumes for this year’s angriest

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Subvert Stereotypes: Free the Attorney, the Expert, and the Juror

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: Think beyond the stereotypes. That is what you’re used to hearing (and I’m used to saying) about jury selection. But that same need to subvert the stereotypes applies not just to picking panelists, but to persuading as an attorney or an expert witness as well. In each of these situations,

Subvert Stereotypes: Free the Attorney, the Expert, and the Juror Read More »

Take a Lesson from the John Edwards Trial: With Sensitive Facts at the Heart of Your Case, Aim for a Desensitized Jury

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: The case of The United States versus John Edwards has everything:  politics, sex, life, and death. The former vice-presidential and presidential candidate acquired a mistress and fathered a child during the campaign, behind the back of his cancer-stricken wife, then called upon a couple of key supporters to pay vast sums of

Take a Lesson from the John Edwards Trial: With Sensitive Facts at the Heart of Your Case, Aim for a Desensitized Jury Read More »

Complex Case? Beware of “Low Effort Thinkers”

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: For once, a social science concept that comes with an easy to understand label! “Low effort thinking” refers to a mental approach or habit that serves as a short-cut in lieu of a more systematic or careful analysis. In the spirit of full disclosure, though, the concept is sometimes dressed up

Complex Case? Beware of “Low Effort Thinkers” Read More »

Don’t Select Your Jury Based on Demographics: A Skeptical Look at JuryQuest

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: While researching for a previous post, I was reading Professor Dru Stevenson’s (2012) article in the George Mason Law Review, and I came across a jarring sentence asserting that “modern approaches to jury selection” focus on biases relating to factors “such as race and gender.” The author then followed up

Don’t Select Your Jury Based on Demographics: A Skeptical Look at JuryQuest Read More »

Rely on Instructions to Curb the Socially Networked Juror

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: The “Googling Juror” has emerged as a massive concern in the courts with plenty of stories on the process being thrown into mistrial by panelists who had to look up a fact, couldn’t take their finger off the Tweet button, and felt the need to “friend” parties, attorneys, and other

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