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Add “Debiasing” to Your Trial Communication Vocabulary

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: Litigators are used to arguing, refuting, and persuading. When it comes to selecting jurors, they’re also used to uncovering bias. But what is “debiasing”? While my spellchecker continues to reject the term, academics have been applying and studying the concept for many years. It means reducing or mitigating the effects of a

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Beware of Extremist Bias

by Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: When we engage in arguments, perhaps on social media or even around the table at Christmas dinner, it is easy to notice that there is something different about those at the extremes. Extremists are so filled with confidence about all of their beliefs, while those in the middle are likely

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Expect that Jurors Might Generate Their Own Fake News

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: Every day, we are reminded that we live in a new age that can be called “post-truth.” We pay a lot of attention to external sources of misinformation, whether it is motivated public figures, partisan news networks or questionable private news blogs, not to mention the variety of memes, bots,

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