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Voir Dire on Content, Not Effect: Lessons from the Tsarnaev Appeal

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: We tend to think of “bias” as it applies to juries, but courts can have their own deep-seated practices. For example, judges will often prefer voir dire questions that focus on the juror’s own assessment of the influence of a given attitude or experience, not on the actual attitude or

Voir Dire on Content, Not Effect: Lessons from the Tsarnaev Appeal Read More »

Expect Some Favoritism for Those on the Front Lines

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: As the national and international coronavirus crisis is still moving toward its peak, one of the few bright spots has been hearing about the daily acts of support for the many medical professionals who are on the front lines of combat. People and restaurants have been cooking and donating meals, factories

Expect Some Favoritism for Those on the Front Lines Read More »