Your Trial Message


In Employment Cases (and All Cases), Keeping it Simple is Smart

by: Dr. Ken Broda Bahm So the company finally terminates the troublesome employee.  “Problem solved,” right?  In a litigious climate, the answer could be, “Wrong, the problem’s been replaced by a different problem” because what follows could be months or years of discovery, deposition, and developing strategy before you find yourself explaining that decision to […]

In Employment Cases (and All Cases), Keeping it Simple is Smart Read More »

Remember That Your Juror is a Consumer First

by: Dr. Ken Broda Bahm Faced with conflicting testimony in a fictionalized construction case, a recent Denver mock jury had to decide whether it was more likely that an owner created unworkable conditions, or that a contractor had dropped the ball.  Their answer — that the contractor had indeed dropped the ball — was buttressed

Remember That Your Juror is a Consumer First Read More »