Your Trial Message

Author name: ken.brodabahm

Account for Anti-Lawyer Bias in Legal Malpractice Trials

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: Attorneys know that, in the public’s eye, the profession isn’t winning any popularity contests. In a Gallup poll last year, only 21 percent rated lawyers’ ethics as “high” (16 percent) or “very high” (5 percent). This compares to 80 percent who say nurses’ ethics are high and 65 percent who say the

Account for Anti-Lawyer Bias in Legal Malpractice Trials Read More »

Look for Increasing Tolerance (but Not Necessarily Greater Empathy)

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: A jury’s job is to judge the facts in a dispute in as neutral a fashion as possible. We expect them to give a party a fair hearing whether the party is just like them or completely dissimilar. The elderly conservative should be able to evaluate the dreadlocked artist as

Look for Increasing Tolerance (but Not Necessarily Greater Empathy) Read More »