Your Trial Message

Author name: ken.brodabahm

Address the Corporate Mind

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: The idea of the corporate personhood is typically thought of as a “legal fiction” (Schane, 1987). That is, we treat a nonperson as a person so that it makes sense legally to talk about corporate entities doing what people would otherwise do: buying and selling, entering contracts, suing and being

Address the Corporate Mind Read More »

Make Your Jurors “Structure Builders”

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: My 8-year-0ld daughter is currently obsessed with a game called “Minecraft.” She is using increasing portions of her precious screen time to sign into her “worlds” in order to build and develop elaborate houses and other buildings. As I understand it, the point isn’t to rack up a high score or

Make Your Jurors “Structure Builders” Read More »

No, Don’t Repeal the Civil Jury: A Response to Professor Renee Lettow Lerner

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: When supporters praise the American jury, it is often in the sepia-toned romantic terms of history. But, to George Washington Law Professor Renee Lettow Lerner, it is more like Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance.” She writes, “Americans’ romance with the jury – bordering on religious devotion – is doing us no

No, Don’t Repeal the Civil Jury: A Response to Professor Renee Lettow Lerner Read More »