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Author name: ken.brodabahm

Look Out for the Authoritarian Personality

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: The current political campaign season is not just a source of entertainment or concern (depending on your level of seriousness about it); it is also a source of education on persuasion. One important new lesson comes from political consultant and public opinion researcher Mathew MacWilliams in a current essay in Politico. […]

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Energize Your Voice

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: If you’ve seen the old film Ferris Beuller’s Day Off, then you remember one of my favorite scenes where the teacher, played by Ben Stein, attempts to cover U.S. economic history to a group of students who could not be more bored or disengaged. And they can hardly be blamed since

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Master Your Time

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: It is every parent’s lament: Time is going by so quickly…It seems like only yesterday…They grow up so fast. Of course, much of this is what I’d call a “retrospective illusion.” It is only when we are looking back on the past that the days, months, or years seem to

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Remember the Rule of 3: It’s Simple, Logical, and Effective

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: Our stories like the number three: There are three little pigs and three bears, as well as Harry, Ron and Hermione. Our movies like threes, as Star Wars now embarks on the last of its three trilogies. Our advertisements like the number three as well: the iPad 2 is “thinner, lighter, faster.”

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Take Your Obligations Seriously (Even When They’re Impossible)

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: Consider this scenario: two swimmers are drowning, and the even greater problem is that they are so far apart that the single lifeguard cannot rescue both. Instead the lifeguard must choose, because trying to save both could end in saving neither. Logically, we would say that in this scenario, the lifeguard

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Build a Diverse Firm

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: The field of law still holds a first-place title among other professions, but it is a title that law really, really does not want to hold: The practice of law is the least diverse profession in the United States. American lawyers are 88 percent white, and two-thirds male, and that

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