Your Trial Message

Author name: ken.brodabahm

Don’t Assume Looking Up Means Lying (But Do Assume Jurors Might Think That)

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: There is quiet in the courtroom after the key witness on the stand is asked the critical question. As the jury, judge, and counsel wait for the answer, the witness pauses, looks up toward the ceiling, then looks back down, and answers.

Don’t Assume Looking Up Means Lying (But Do Assume Jurors Might Think That) Read More »

Create Charisma

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: The basics of public speaking aren’t that hard to learn. But among even experienced speakers and persuaders, some seem to be more magnetic than others. That factor, charisma, makes the speaker more interesting and the content more likely to seem clear and influential. It is believed that the charisma factor played an

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Consider Planting a Decision Tree in Your Next Trial

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: Wherever juries are used, we tend to expect quite a lot out of them. As Marie Comiskey, Senior Counsel with the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, has written, “While first-year law students are given a semester to learn the rudiments of criminal law, jurors are expected to become conversant with the essential

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Share a Laugh…in Order to Promote Disclosure in Voir Dire

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: When people laugh together, they’re willing to disclose more to each other. A recent post in Psyblog highlights a study (Gray, Parkinson, & Dunbar, 2015) in which groups of strangers sat together to watch a video documentary, a boring clip about golf, or a comedian. Those who watched the comedian were more likely to

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