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Author name: ken.brodabahm

Address the Silence of a Delayed Harassment Claim

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: Sexual harassment is a constant issue. But sometimes there is relative silence on the subject, and sometimes there are waves of attention. Right now, one of those waves seems to be cresting. With the repeated harassment claims and settlements at Fox News, and the number of women accusing Hollywood producer

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Don’t Corrupt Your Credibility

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: As special counsel, Robert Mueller, files the first charges stemming from the investigation of events surrounding Russia’s involvement in our presidential election, the issue of corruption touching on the government looms large. In Chapman University’s  2017 “Survey of American Fears,” just released in time for Halloween, the results put “corruption of government officials”

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Trial Lawyers, Improve Your Emotional Intelligence (7 Reasons and 3 Ways)

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: What counts as good legal persuasion differs from one country to the next. Different cultures, different legal rules and systems, and different fact finders all make a difference. But one thing stays consistent no matter the venue or the tongue: Legal persuasion boils down to people using communication to influence

Trial Lawyers, Improve Your Emotional Intelligence (7 Reasons and 3 Ways) Read More »