Your Trial Message

Author name: ken.brodabahm

Address the Subjectivity of Pain and Suffering

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: The damages category of “pain and suffering” is notoriously uncertain, at least in jurors’ estimation. The act of quantifying and monetizing a plaintiff’s subjective experience associated with a loss or an injury can be a challenge. Ultimately, of course, pain is an electrochemical response within the brain and as technology

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Put Your Heads Together: Seven Best Practices for Strategy Sessions

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: With the coronavirus levels still raging, trials in most parts of the country are still on hold. But as vaccinations begin to make their slow appearance, it seems to be the time to contemplate the near future, where litigation will hopefully be back in business. So, as your matter moves

Put Your Heads Together: Seven Best Practices for Strategy Sessions Read More »

Honor the Ghosts of Juries Past, Present, and Yet to Come: A Christmas Carol

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: With only a miserly share of current cases ending up in a jury trial, the story on the state of the American jury is definitely a tale of dread, but also one that still has a little light at the end if the right changes could yet be made. Given

Honor the Ghosts of Juries Past, Present, and Yet to Come: A Christmas Carol Read More »

Prepare Your Witness Virtually: Seven Best Practices

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: As we are moving up yet another hill on the pandemic case-count rollercoaster, hopefully the last rise before the final descent into a vaccine landing zone, courts are once again pulling back in–person trials, while lawyers look for ways to stay prepared using virtual tools. Along with web-conferenced hearings and

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Transition With Meaning: Nine Ways to Avoid “My Next Point Is…”

By Dr. Ken Broda Bahm: All the way back to my days as a public speaking professor and debate coach, I stressed the practical importance of a transition. The goal, I emphasized, is not just the formal nicety of appearing organized, but is rather to directly create attention, retention, and comprehension for your audience. An

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